The beauty of our community kitchen is that visitors get to choose what they want to eat among four varieties of hot meals. The primary goal of FoodClique Community Kitchen is to build a health community where hunger will be least thing on the mind of many of those leaving in the community. The beauty of our community kitchen is that visitors get to choose what they want to eat among four varieties of hot meals. The primary goal of FoodClique Community Kitchen is to build a health community where hunger will be least thing on the mind of many of those leaving in the community.The beauty of our community kitchen is that visitors get to choose what they want to eat among four varieties of hot meals. The primary goal of FoodClique Community Kitchen is to build a health community where hunger will be least thing on the mind of many of those leaving in the community.
0 of 13,000 NGN
Bank Account Holder Name - GTB.
Your Bank Account Number - FoodClique Support Initiative Gtb 0172927777
Bank City - Lagos.
Bank Full Name - GTB Bank
Send the cheque to the next Address:
6B, Olushola Olude Close Gbagada phase 2,
Lagos State. Nigeria.
(Please mention in the check for which cause you donate).